Saturday, March 18, 2006

Craft Marketing Questions that PULL Clients In

Author: Fabienne Fredrickson

Do you dream of picking up the phone and hearing the person on the other end of the line say, ""Hi, you don't know me but I'd like to work with you. Here's my credit card number. When can we start?""

You might laugh, but isn't that what we all really want, deep down?

Well, the good news is, it's totally POSSIBLE. I've found a way to make this happen and can honestly say that a third of the private coaching clients I sign on, I've never met before and don't know who they are until I get that phone call that says they're ready to get started. Here's how I do it and how you can too.

You need to stop pushing and start PULLING your clients in with your materials. To educate your environment and turn interest into a prospect and a prospect into a client, you'll need some marketing materials that REALLY SPEAK to them.

You're looking for something that PULLS them in and gets them to, at all costs, want to talk to you:

Here's how you get ready for the next assignment:

*Put yourself in their shoes first.

*Stop focusing on yourself and talk about them and their struggles.

*Then, only then, can you position yourself as their problem solver.

A good example of something that will PULL ideal clients in is a set of compelling questions to which your ideal client would answer YES for each and every question.

Examples of this are on the back of my business card and on my website :

*Not attracting enough clients to your existing small business?

*Do you love what you do but haven't mastered that ""marketing thing"" yet?

*Are your current clients not sending you enough referrals?

*Do you wish you could turn more prospects into paying clients?

*Do you sometimes feel like you're just pushing too hard?

The questions above were formulated based on what brand new clients were coming to me for. Many of them used the above topics as things they wanted to work on and resolve immediately with my help. So, seeing that this was what was drawing clients to me without much effort on my part (and they were very good clients), I decided to put together a set of standard questions that would begin to develop trust and credibility among other prospects and suspects. What would yours be?

The key here is to focus on your Ideal Client's struggles and hot buttons first. To get them into the pain just slightly, so they realize their situation isn't as great as they'd like it to be.

But mostly, the questions above will get your prospective clients to feel like you REALLY understand their situation and you've been helping people like them for a long, long time.

Once they feel that trust and see you can provide them with the results they need, they'll be closer to picking up the phone to call YOU.

Your Assignment:

What questions can you use to PULL prospects in, based on the struggles, challenges and hot buttons they have?

Be sure the people reading the questions will answer ""yes"" to all of them (instead of yes, no, yes, no) and you keep it to no more than 6 or 7 of them, so you don't overwhelm them in the process. Once you've written them all out, put them on the back of your business card, on your home page, etc.

You'll get their attention with the questions, and they'll be much more likely to read the rest of what you've got to say, and if you continue to talk to them in terms of the results they can expect from working with you, you're golden! Just be ready for new clients...

That's just ONE of the many tools you can easily implement to PULL clients in (and stop pushing so hard to fill your practice). Wanna know all the tools I use myself and thousands of my clients have used for the same purpose? Then you'll probably want to either call me to investigate private coaching, or look into the Client Attraction Home Study System™ for attracting all the clients you need with proven, systematic processes that will help you fill your practice quickly and consistently, guaranteed. Here's where you can get a copy: www.TheClientAttr .

© 2006 Fabienne Fredrickson

About the author: Fabienne Fredrickson, The Client Attraction Expert, is founder of the Client Attraction System™, the proven step-by-step program to help you attract more clients, in record time and consistently. To sign up for her freebie how-to articles and no-charge teleclasses on attracting more clients, visit .


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